What You Need To Know About Leptospirosis In Dogs

It’s true, Leptospirosis is diagnosed sporadically in Pennsylvania. No matter the frequency, it’s good to know more about the disease, including how it’s contracted and signs to look out for. These are the types of things we often discuss during...

Dog Bathing 101: A Guide To Keeping Your Pet Clean

The rate at which you should bathe your dog depends on a number of things – hair type, pet’s age, activity level, allergies, and more. Not two dogs need the same amount of baths and it’s important to consult with the Brodheadsville Veterinary Clinic...

Keeping Your Pet Calm During Fireworks Displays

The Fourth of July is considered a fun and relaxing holiday for most, but not our pets. For them, the day could be filled with loud booms, bright lights, and a lot of stress and anxiety. Did you know that more pets go missing on July 4th than any other day of the...

Photos From Our Grand Re-Opening

Thank you to everyone that came to see us for our Grand Re-opening! We had such a great time seeing you (and your pet, of course!) and we were so happy to share our weekend with you. Our team took some amazing photos of the event and we’d love to share them with...

Lyme Disease in Dogs: What You Need to Know

Fleas and ticks are not only a source of irritation to your pet, but they can also harbor disease and adversely affect your pet’s health. Heartworm is a dangerous parasite that lives in the heart of dogs and cats, damages the heart muscle, and can be fatal....

Dog Bite Awareness Starts With Knowing The Signs Of Aggression

April 9-15 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week Creating a fear free experience at our veterinary clinic means providing a calm, secure, and relaxed environment for your pet from the moment they walk in the door until they head back home, feeling better than ever....